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News and Facts

The Last Straw on the Great Barrier Reef

The Last Straw on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the Official Campaign © eradicating single-use plastic straws in venues operating on and around the GBR. Launching in 2016, by Marine Biologist Nicole Nash, the movement has seen 377 venues register, resulting in over 4.5million less plastic straws used per year.

The data that the campaign has collected to date was provided to the Queensland Parliament (read the full submission here) in August 2020.  Nicole delivered the statistics of the campaign at the Public Hearing in Cairns on 4 August 2020 and has been advised by committee members that this assisted in the passing of the Waste Reduction and Recycling (Plastic Items) Amendment Bill 2021– banning single use plastic items in Queensland.

As part of Queensland’s plan to tackle plastic pollution (PDF, 4 MB) and following support from the community, retailers and industry organisations, the supply of the following single-use plastic items will be banned in Queensland:

  • straws: regular straws, flexible straws, straws with a scoop, cocktail straws and bubble tea straws
  • cutlery: knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons, sample tasting spoons, soup spoons, chopsticks, splayds and sporks
  • bowls and plates
  • stirrers: hot or cold drink stirrers, swizzle sticks and hot or cold food stirrers
  • expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups, for example ‘clamshell’ style containers.

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The Last Straw on the GBR goal is making the GBR region plastic straw free and reducing plastic pollution entering the reef to preserve our marine ecosystems (and marine life) for future generations. At The Last Straw, we believe ‘there’s no excuse for single use,’ and that each and everyone of us have a social responsibility to protect our environment, which includes reducing our use of plastics. We encourage everyone to BYO straw, there are stainless steel, silicone, bamboo and even glass that are reusable these days.

To hear more about Nicole and her journey to launching the Last Straw – visit our About Tab. For those who are more visual – check out Advancing Australia’s Episode 1 on Ten Play to hear and see Nicole’s journey. Watch a snip of Advancing Australia – The Last Straw – on YouTube


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 03 9056 9094

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