Plastic pollution harms our health, wildlife, and the environment

03 9056 9094
News and Facts

News and Facts

Plastic pollution harms our health, wildlife, and the environment

Single-use straws, cutlery, plates, drink-stirrers, expanded polystyrene food and drink containers, and cotton bud sticks will be banned from sale or supply in Victoria by February 2023.

This ban will reduce plastic pollution.

Single-use plastics:

  • Make up a third of the litter we see on our streets and in our waterways – they are costly to clean up and difficult to recycle.
  • Are often used for only a few minutes but remain in the environment for a long time
  • Harm the environment – they break into microplastics which harm wildlife and contaminate our food and water.

What’s next?

We’re encouraging Victorians to choose to reuse now and we’re getting ready for the ban.

We’re working with industry and local government to support the transition to reusable products, and we’ll publicly consult on and finalise the regulations. The ban commences in February 2023.

What exemptions will there be? 

The ban will not affect medical or scientific equipment, emergency management services, or people who require specific single-use plastic products due to disability or for health and safety.

The government will work with the aged care and disability sectors to understand and develop exemptions for people who require straws or other single-use plastics.

What to use instead?

Choose to reuse or avoid altogether:

  • avoid straws or choose reusable ones made from bamboo, stainless steel, or silicone
  • avoid drink stirrers or choose reusable metal teaspoons or swizzle sticks
  • choose cotton buds without the sticks or with bamboo sticks

Choose reusable:

  • cutlery made from stainless steel, heavy-weight plastic, or bamboo
  • plates made from plastic or ceramic
  • glass, plastic, or metal containers
  • silicone cotton buds

 17 Killara Road Campbellfield VIC 3061

 03 9056 9094

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